Flip This, Reverse That...
Alright, here is an AutoCAD Electrical post for you. The problem is symbols that have the right information but are the wrong direction. For example a limit switch that might be need to be shown in the opposite position for whatever reason. I have had some clients tell me that they want to switch the direction of the symbol so that it represents the way it is wired more accuratley.
In regular AutoCAD they would just mirror the block. In AutoCAD Electrical you can't do that because of the wire connections expect the wire to come from a specific direction. For example if the wire is coming from the right the attribute x?term01 would be x1term01. This would mean that the wire would start at the right of the symbol and terminate at the insertion point of the attribute. The issue comes in when you mirror the symbol now the attribute is on the left side of the symbol but the attribute tells AutoCAD Electrical to trim the wire from the right.
AutoCAD Electrical has a tool called "Reverse/Flip Component", this is located under the Component pull down menu. This tool gives you the option to Reverse the component which would be basically mirroring the component from left to right. This takes care of the wire connection attributes so that the wires connect up correctly. This tool also allows you to select Flip which is basically mirroring the component from top to bottom. In addition to these two options, the user has the option to select graphics only which would not update the attributes.
Hopefully this helps.