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Friday, December 12, 2008

AutoCAD Electrical missing files in Vista

For those of you who attended my sessions at Autodesk University here is the post about the Vista issues with the non English version. Thanks to Ebbe Bundesen from Autodesk.

"As promised I hereby send you a short description of the problem I had here on Windows Vista on a Danish language pack from Vista:

Here is something that makes it difficult for people that is not working from an English version of Microsoft Vista.

By installing AutoCAD Electrical on your hard drive you will see some files be placed in different folders, some of them are placed in locations like below. See example.

If you are working on an different Vista version (not English) with a local language, Vista makes the same library but named in the local language.

This will not affect the program of AutoCAD Electrical But!. It will be very difficult to find the files on your machine without knowing where to look.

The way to find the files:  Copy the string in AutoCAD Electrical and paste it direct into Explore, explore will then find the path..

Must be done:  Settings in Windows Vista:  “Control Panel”  ”Folder options”  “View”  “Files & Folders”  “Hidden files & Folders” there you must tag the: Show hidden files and folders otherwise the folder with the files is not shown on the drive.


English:   C:\Users\Your_name\Documents\AcadE 2009\AeData\proj\   <= (This file exist on a Danish machine too but you can’t see it.)

Danish:   C:\Brugere\Your_name\Dokumenter\AcadE 2009\AeData\proj\"

I hope this helps.


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