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Friday, May 30, 2008

Batch Plot Utility that works with Autodesk Data Management

INCAT, the company I work for, has publicly released our Data Management Batch Plot that works with the 2009 product line from Autodesk. There are many enhanced features including the ability to select an AutoCAD Electrical project file and have it read in the files from that project. There are also many other useful tools such as a configurable basic search. Instead of a basic search searching every field in the database it searches every record for the specific field that you configured.

I had the pleasure to work on this product from the beginning and I have to say it has came a long way and this is the best release yet.

Click Batch Plot 2009

Rob Stein

Sunday, May 11, 2008

AutoCAD Electrical 2009

Good day from Pune, India. I am traveling this week in India for work and was just thinking of how long it has been since I have made a post.

So, by this time you should have all received your AutoCAD Electrical 2009 DVD's right? I hope so, it really is a great release. If you haven't installed it yet, do so soon. If you have installed it what do you think? Let me list a few things I noticed:

- User Interface is quite a bit different looking.
- Inserting of 3 ph motor symbols draws the diagonal lines.
- The new Circuit Builder is amazing. Right out of the box it is amazing, and it gets better, I can create my own circuits for use in the builder. That's right, I can customize it. Great job Nate and Crew.
- Core AutoCAD uses Ribbons. Now I know most people have mentioned they don't like Ribbons in the Microsoft products. However in AutoCAD they are pretty cool and you should give them a try when using just core AutoCAD.
- AutoCAD Electrical does not have a ribbon built for it.... (Yet). Lets hope this is something that we can download as a subscription customer in the future or at least with 2010. I can see a lot of potential with that functionality being used in AutoCAD Electrical.

That's all the teasers for now. Send me an email of anything you have noticed and I will post it here for everyone else to see. let me know if you want me to put your name by it also.

Rob Stein