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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Update from Vegas

It is about 8 am after a long day and late night yesterday.  It is Wednesday morning now and the fun begins again. The class I instructed yesterday went well except we cut it very close on time so I didn't get to go into as much detail as I was hoping on some of the topics. There were some great questions from the group of approximately 65 - 70 students. It was a very good experience and I hope to do it again next year.

Until next time

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hello from Autodesk University

WOW, Time sure does fly this time of year. Here it is 7 pm Vegas time, 10 pm Michigan time the day before my presentation at Autodesk University. I just wrapped up practicing my slides and think I am going to head back to the hotel room and relax the rest of tonight. I have around 60 people registered for this session and I will keep posting all this week letting you guys know anything cool that I learn.

If anyone is at AU this year feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] and maybe we can meet up at the AUGI Beer Bust on Tuesday night.



Sunday, November 12, 2006

Autodesk University 2006

Well Autodesk University is just over two weeks away and I am getting pretty excited. INCAT (the company I work for) and myself just had our third AutoCAD Electrical User group meeting via the web and it got me to thinking about Autodesk University a little. What a great time and place for some of our users from across the country and world for that matter to meet in person. So this weekend I started sending some emails to people who I already know are going to AU and asked them if they would like to meet up at the event. I have 3 yes answers so far and those were answers given on the weekend. Considering most of the emails I sent were to work accounts I suspect half or more of the people haven't even seen the email yet.

If anyone is going to Autodesk University and interested in meeting please feel free to send me an email ([email protected]) and put AU meeting in the subject. I will work out the details of when and where to meet and hopefully we can start putting some faces to the people we have been communicating with via the web. There are several classes on AutoCAD Electrical this year including mine, a couple from one of our user group members as well as some from Autodesk Employees. I hope to see you all there.

Also INCAT's very own Jenifer Swiderski will be attending AU this year and is looking forward to meeting all of you.

Thanks and see you there.