Zoom Extents on Next or Previous Drawing
Have you ever been using the Next or Previous drawing button to peruse through your drawing set in AutoCAD Electrical and come across a bunch of sheets that are zoomed in on a specific area? Then you need to zoom out just to see if it is the sheet you really want to work on? If you have the same pet peve as I do when it comes to this we can fix it. It all comes down to one line in the environment (WD.ENV) file in your AeData Directory.
The Path:
C:\Documents and Settings\{UserName}\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical 2006\R16.2\enu\Support\AeData\WD.ENV
Note: {UserName} = your windows login name
The Steps:
- Open the WD.ENV file with notedpad. (right click on the file and click on Open With)
- Scroll down in Notepad until you find the line *WD_OPEN_DWG, etc.... (Note the * might not be there)
- If the * is there, remove it, if not move to step 4.
- type in (command "_.ZOOM" "_E") after the WD_OPEN_DWG,
- the entire line should read as follows.
- WD_OPEN_DWG,(command "_.ZOOM" "_E")
Now whenever a user uses the "Next" or "Previous" button the drawing will open, then zoom extents.
Until Next Time.