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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Zoom Extents on Next or Previous Drawing

Have you ever been using the Next or Previous drawing button to peruse through your drawing set in AutoCAD Electrical and come across a bunch of sheets that are zoomed in on a specific area?  Then you need to zoom out just to see if it is the sheet you really want to work on?  If you have the same pet peve as I do when it comes to this we can fix it.  It all comes down to one line in the environment (WD.ENV) file in your AeData Directory. 

The Path:

C:\Documents and Settings\{UserName}\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical 2006\R16.2\enu\Support\AeData\WD.ENV

Note: {UserName} = your windows login name

The Steps:

  1. Open the WD.ENV file with notedpad. (right click on the file and click on Open With)
  2. Scroll down in Notepad until you find the line *WD_OPEN_DWG, etc.... (Note the * might not be there)
  3. If the * is there, remove it, if not move to step 4.
  4. type in (command "_.ZOOM" "_E") after the WD_OPEN_DWG,
  5. the entire line should read as follows.
  6. WD_OPEN_DWG,(command "_.ZOOM" "_E")

Now whenever a user uses the "Next" or "Previous" button the drawing will open, then zoom extents.

Until Next Time.



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